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Georgeann Hawkins

Georgeann Hawkins was an 18 year old college student at the University of Washington. She was member of a sorority house. On June 11, 1974 she was on her way to her sorority house where she lived from visiting with her boyfriend at this frat house only 90 feet away. A scream was heard but Georgean could not be found. Hawkins was doing what she had done several times before; she had walked a short distance to get to her home. She was at medium to low risk for victimization. However, the small time that she was out of anyone’s sight created an opportunity for Bundy, a moment of high risk, in which Bundy abducted this young woman. College campuses were a one of Bundy’s favorite hunting grounds, especially the “frat rows”. Given this small window of opportunity it is likely that this woman was targeted.

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